Origin and History
Player Emotes Pro has been in production for 5 years, and over that time has changed and been
updated many times. From the addition of new features, to the support of more complex systems
like MySQL for database tracking.
This plugin is a premium plugin, meaning it is sold, rather than offered freely. It is sold on
SpigotMC.org. The price has changed over the years, along with several sales from time to time.
The current price is $9.99 USD, and started at $1.99 USD. As features were added and the plugin
had a more substational feature set.
Player Emotes Pro started as a free plugin I created back in April of 2016, Player Emotes. As
the plugin gained traction, and I added more features, I decided to make a premium version. The
free version is still available, but is no longer updated for newer version of Spigot, so it may
not work completely. The premium version is frequently updated, and new features and version
support are added in each update.
Player Emotes Pro now has a very large feature set. Most of the features include different ways of displaying the emotes, but some are more background features that only the admins will see.
Visual Effects
- Particles
- The particle effects that are available in Player Emotes Pro are effects that use the particles available in Minecraft, and displays them in a variety of patterns. There are now 30 different patterns available for particles, and can be customized by the user to display the pattern with different effects. Some of the newer patterns also include an option to add a secondary particle. For example, the wings can have an exterior particle, and an interior particle. One of the newest effects lets the user input a word or a few words, and displays those words in particles above the player's head.
- Item Splash
Item Splash is an effect that will make Minecraft items "Splash" around or from the
player. There are 3 options for this in terms of drop patterns. There is rain, trail,
and circle. The circle will drop the items in a circle around the player, the trail will
drop the items a few times a second, at the players feet, following the player's
movements. The rain effect, like the trail effect, follows the player, but instead of
dropping at the player's feet, it drops the items above their head.
These items cannot be picked up by the player or a hopper.
The user can setup the item splash for each emote, and allows them to select an item, and specify if they would like it to be enchanted and glowing. - Armor Stand Gestures
This effect is heavily customizable by the user, as it allows for the user to set the
item in each equipment slot, including both hands, and the armor.
The armorstand can be glowing, and miniature or regular sized.
The user can select the gesture out of a list, which is run when the emote is used by a player. - Heads
- The heads portion of Player Emotes Pro will show a head (aka face) on the player that can replace their helmet, and can even be animated in a loop. 50+ heads come already loaded, plus the user can add as many of their own as they want. This includes making animated faces as well. These were one of the first effects added and are still one of the best way to express emotion in the plugin.
- Sounds
- The sound effects available in Player Emotes Pro are any of the sounds available in Minecraft, and when used will play the sound effect for the player.
- Holograms
- The hologram in Player Emotes Pro is simply a bar of text above the player's head. It lets the user put in text to be displayed, and supports the use of color and format codes.
- Fireworks
- Lets the user make a list of fireworks with different colors, shapes, and other effects. When the emote is run it shoots of the list of fireworks from the player's location.
- Other Effects
Other than the effects listed above, there are also a few other smaller features that
are available.
- Lightning - Strikes lightning at the player's location, dealing no damage
- Glow - Gives the player the glow effect, which gives them an outline of white
- Bats - Spawns several bats at the players location, and despawns them later
- Health - Can add or remove health from the player, and ensures it's not enough to kill them
- Hunger - Can add or remove hunger from the player
- Potion - Gives the player a potion effect
- Commands - Runs a list of commands for the server to run for the player
Background Features
- Commands
Each emote has a command to allow the user to easily run it, and can also add a
player's name to target the player with the emote.
In addition to the emotes, the player can also use commands to open the menu, ignore emotes, select favorite emotes, reload the plugins files, and test out emote effects individually without making a full emote with the effects they want. - Ignore
- Players on the server that are not interested in seeing emote effects, and want to ignore them, can use the /emote ignore command to have emotes not show up for them.
- Database
- Player Emotes Pro has the option to link to a MySQL database, which allows the user to have emote usages tracked, and can show the admins what emotes are being used the most, and can show what players are using what emotes the most, on an individual player basis.
- Favorite Emote
- A player can select their favorite emote through a command, or through the menu. To use their favorite emote, they just have to click the button on the main page of the emote menu, or run a command.
- Menus
The majority of this plugin relies on the use of menus. The menus are used for both
players and admins. The players can select an emote, pick and use a favorite emote, and
select a target for their emote.
For the admins, the menus are a tool to create new emotes with their selected effects, and to edit emotes to change their effects. - Emote Creation
- The emote creation is done purely through menus, with the occasional text input that uses the in game chat. In the emote creation menus the admins can select all of the effects that are to be used for the emote.